Tag Class changes

John Barrymore April 25, 2024 5 minutes
This blog post provides an overview of the datamining changes in the War Within Alpha build. It specifically highlights the Mage Fire class changes, including new talents and updates to existing abilities. The post also mentions changes to the Frost Mage, Windwalker Monk, Retribution Paladin, Warlock, and Warrior classes.
John Barrymore April 18, 2024 8 minutes
This blog post discusses the class changes for Paladins in Blizzard's War Within update. For Holy Paladins, the changes focus on replacing Light of the Martyr with a passive spell and moving more of their throughput into baseline spells. For Retribution Paladins, the changes aim to make secondary stats more appealing and create more flexibility between single target and AoE builds.
John Barrymore April 18, 2024 7 minutes
The blog post discusses the class changes for Warriors in The War Within Alpha by Blizzard. The post highlights the specific changes made for Arms and Fury Warriors, addressing issues such as overgeneration of Rage and lack of rotational diversity. It also mentions the redesign of talents and abilities to provide more options and choices for players.
John Barrymore April 18, 2024 10 minutes
Blizzard has released all the Druid class changes for The War Within Alpha, including updates to the class tree and several specialization trees. The changes aim to provide more customization options, reduce constraints on rotation, and increase the base power of certain abilities. Additionally, melee range talents are being reduced across the game to ensure a more consistent experience across classes.
John Barrymore April 18, 2024 5 minutes
Blizzard has released all the Monk class changes alongside developer notes for The War Within Alpha. The goal of the class tree is to add more options and utility, such as an Enrage Dispel. The updates for Windwalker aim to address issues with power levels, usability, and gameplay focus, while Mistweaver sees updates to their class bonuses and removal of Essence Font.
John Barrymore April 18, 2024 4 minutes
Blizzard has implemented class changes for Evokers in The War Within Alpha, addressing threat issues in the game. The changes include reducing the threat generated by Devastation Evokers' spells and incorporating new talents in the Preservation Tree.
John Barrymore April 18, 2024 3 minutes
Game Producer Josh Greenfield, also known as Aggrend, reached out to players on X (formerly Twitter) to gather feedback on upcoming class changes in Season of Discovery. The Season of Discovery team is actively listening to player feedback and aims to balance the game before Phase 4. Suggestions on improving various classes, such as Shadow DPS, Survival Tree for Hunters, Holy Paladins, Sword Rogues, and Warriors, are requested.